
JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – Jamestown Job Service has seen an uptick in the amount of unemployment applications received from around Stutsman County.

On Thursday, Governor Doug Burgum reported as of March 26th, there had been nearly 14,000 unemployment insurance claims.

Danica Chuput, Jamestown Job Service Workforce Center Manager, reports that two weeks prior to that, they only had 6 individual claims. She reported what job sectors a majority of those claims were coming from.

She added that will be the best source for individuals needing more information or for help to file a claim.

She says Job Service ND Facebook page and Job Service ND Jamestown will continue to feature different full-time and part-time positions in the state and locally. She also encourages employers to post positions as there are many who are currently looking for different jobs.

If you have questions, you can contact Job Service Jamestown at 701-253-6200.