VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Park & Recreation District is replacing 3 tennis courts with the post tension technology, like the ones across the street owned by the Valley City Public School District.
Director Tyler Jacobson said thanks to a $250,000 Land & Water Conservation Grant the project will move forward. He said bids will be let soon. He talked about the construction time-line of the project approved by the park board.
He said the courts will be extended another 22 feet to the east. The expansion will provide seating on the east and west side of the courts. Jacobson said the the post tension technology will extend the life of the three tennis courts.
He said the new lighting will provide a lower light pollution for nearby properties along with a timer.
Jacobson said trees on the south side of the tennis courts will have to be removed for this project.
The full interview with Tyler Jacobson is available below.