VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( Nearly 400 people registered for The Track is Back Color Run and Walk Tuesday night at Hanna Field. The event was a prime opportunity for  the community of Valley City to see the brand new Dacotah Bank Track, which is the first phase in the school’s “Restoring The Legacy Project” at Hanna Field.

The Valley City High School cross country team and Fuel Up to Play 60 organized the event with support from Midwest Dairy, Dacotah Bank and Affordable Promo. After the run was complete a ribbon cutting was held. Valley City superintendent Josh Johnson opened the ceremony


Before the ribbon was cut on the new track, contributors of the project were recognized including faculty, the school board and The Restoring The Legacy Committee, who have raised $490,000 since the spring.

The naming rights to the track were awarded to Dacotah Bank after their financial contributions, market president Dick Gulmon said that the chance to support the project was too hard to pass up


Continued support is still needed for future phases of The Hanna Field Athletic Complex, for more information can be found on the school’s website.